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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

South Asian Popular and Pulp Fiction

UT's Popular and Pulp Fiction Collection

Popular and Pulp Fiction at UT


The University of Texas at Austin Libraries is developing a collection of popular and pulp fiction in the regional languages of South Asia. These novels, novellas and serialized stories help us challenge what qualifies as “worthy” both in terms of style and substance while also providing a unique lens through which themes of gender, sexuality, caste & religion, authority can be explored.  Beyond literary content, the graphic covers are also of great interest.

The entire collection is discoverable through the UT Library catalog, including by language:


In addition, we are building an online collection of scanned covers of these books.  Please explore and enjoy them here!

For more background on the collection and its continued growth, see relevant TexLibris blog posts here.

The collection is UT's "niche" contribution to the South Asia Cooperative Collection Development Workshops.



We have been creating small exhibits as introductions to authors and themes within the Popular and Pulp Fiction Collection.  Please visit here and find:

  • "Ibne Safi" by Nicole Marino, which highlights one of the largest collections of the author's works, primarily in Urdu but also in Hindi and English translation.
  • "Kottayam Pushpanath" by Darsana Mayanathu Sasi, about one of the most significant detective novelists in Malayalam.


Transliterating South Asian Languages

The ALA/LC Transliteration Tables are specific systems for converting from a non-roman script to a romanized one. UT Libraries' Catalog and WorldCat (FirstSearch) follow this system exclusively for transliteration.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.