Background information provides a general overview of a research topic including important terms and concepts, relevant names of people or places, and dates of specific events.
These resources are especially helpful during the idea generation stage. Finding good background information on a general topic can help you turn that topic into a research question.
They will also help you determine what vocabulary and background concepts you will need to identify relevant peer-reviewed sources in the databases and identify more specific areas of your topic that you may want to research further.
UT Austin currently has access to Handbooks in all available subject through 2024.
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For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
Statistical information is a great way to get a sense of the magnitude, or scope of the problem. Use one or more of the resources below for the magnitude portion of your paper.
Divided into broad sections such as Population, Health and Nutrition, Education, Foreign Commerce and Aid, Prices and many others, the database can be searched or browsed to retrieve results that can then be narrowed by source, geography, time period, subject, and other breakdowns.
Statista includes data on more than 85,000 topics from 18,000 sources. About 20 percent of the total data in Statista comes from sources available free online, such as the World Bank and the U.S. Census, but the data also includes numerous exclusive sources which include industry, marketing, and trade groups. Much of the data is related to marketing, demographic, government and industry information, and is international in scope. Data can be downloaded in JPG, PowerPoint and Excel.
While historical and time series data are not a focus of Statista, the metadata about each table provides all the necessary information to go to the table’s source, where historical information may be available.
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Perform a scoped Google search for statistical information online. Here's an example of a search that is limited to .gov webpages:
Search: adverse childhood experiences statistics site:gov
Other endings:
This database was formerly called Dow Jones Interactive.
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Dates of coverage vary. Unlimited users.
Updated continually. Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an interface that offers discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
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