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Resources for Anthropology Research

Ready to discover articles and books on a topic? 

As a first step, try this handy tool to help you generate search terms. 

UTL offers a number of Anthropology databases, which can be supplemented by other disciplinary tools as appropriate. A list is linked left under "Finding Articles..."  

The UT library platform allows faceted search and access to online and physical content available: Libraries Search help.

Follow these discovery paths to locate a known work: 

  • Search for the title of the book in which a target chapter appears 
  • Search for the JOURNAL TITLE of a target article and navigate to the needed year, volume and issue 
  • Another option is to search for a combination of subject, title, author and/or keywords

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Sociocultural Anthropology and Linguistics Liaison

Profile Photo
Susan Macicak
PCL 3.316 S5482
Austin, TX 78712
(512) 495-4335

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