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UGS 302: Who Owns the Past - Covey

Find Sources

Find Articles on a Topic

For this assignment, you might need several types of sources:

Source Type Start Here

Scholarly Articles

Library main search bar and databases

Background Information (definitions, short explanations of a topic)

Gale ebooks & other databases on the background information tab

Wikipedia - as a jumping off point to other materials

Journalism/News UT's New York Times access, Google News, specific newspaper websites, or the UT Libraries NexisUni database. Make sure to evaluate unfamiliar publications. Go to chat if you need help getting full access to something. 
Laws, International agreements, etc. 

Google citations you see in scholarly, news sources, or background sources (this is the first option, because finding relevant legislation can be difficult or present an language barrier)

specific sites like UNESCO or specific nations' repositories of legislation.

Learn more about databases with the video in the right column.

See search examples on the second tab in this box, "Keywords and Database Searching"

Multidisciplinary databases

1. Type the title of the article into the large search bar on the library website. You can also search the article title in Articles & More

2. If you don't see your article, use the Journals search function to search the journal title.

Your results should display the name of the journal along with some links for accessing it.

Select the link that includes the publication date of the issue that was published on the date listed in your article citation.

3. If the correct issue is not displayed, you can submit an interlibrary loan request to obtain a copy of the article from another institution.

Background information provides a general overview of a research topic, including important terms and concepts, relevant names of people or places, and dates of specific events. Finding background information can help you locate keywords for searching databases and identify more specific areas of your topic that you may want to research further.

Use your keywords in the Articles & More search and use the "law" subject on the left side, use citations you find to get to laws. 

Searching databases is different than searching in Google. Distil what you're looking for into a few key terms or phrases

  1. should the Elgin Marbles be returned to Greece
  2. For each main concept, brainstorm a few synonyms and related terms that get at that concept:
    • The first key concept will likely be in common for everyone on this topic, but the second and third will be different, background information can help with determining what to search for. 
    • Key Concepts 

      Elgin Marbles Greece Great Britain
      Related Terms

      Parthenon Frieze

      Parthenon sculptures


      stolen antiquities

      Acropolis Museum


      British Museum


  3. Combine key terms using AND and OR:​​
    • AND narrows your search by looking for articles with all of the words (your two or three key concepts should be connected with AND, because you need all of them represented in useful articles). 
    • OR broadens your search by looking for articles with any of the words (synonyms and related terms should be separated by OR - they get at the same key concepts, so any of them are useful).
  4. Try different combinations of your keywords to get better results as you search:


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What are databases?

This video, from RMIT University, explains what a database is...

Where's the Article?

If you don’t see a .pdf of the article you want, click FIND IT AT UT to find it in another database or in print in the Libraries.

If it is only in print in the Libraries or we don’t own the article, click GET A SCAN to have the article emailed to you. This option will take a few days.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.