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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Designed for Users: Universal Design Plus Human Factors

Data Sets and Collections

Data to Help With Design

For designing devices to match up with people, you may want to have information about how people "measure up"  and how they think.

  • Collections may be found in:
    • research papers accompanying a description of the collection process.
    • books or technical reports summarizing research of a single project or collection data across many projects.
    • data repositories.


Collections include these classic texts

These scanned books lack most of the features that would make them easy to use but at least you may access them as electronic copies.

Data sets in repositories

Repositories allow access to data sets deposited by researchers.

This page in the Data Management LibGuide --- look down the page --- gives information on how to find likely repositories.  

  • The ICPSR and figshare are two examples of repositories with anthropometric data sets.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.