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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Designed for Users: Universal Design Plus Human Factors

Standards & Guidelines

Building Standards, Accessibility Standards, and Guidelines

Standards provide guidance for performance and quality.  They may be voluntary or, as with building standards adopted by a city, have the force of law.  

Guidelines, like standards, describe minimums of acceptable quality or service.  These help with understanding how to apply (put into practice) theories of service such as universal design.

Building Standards

The most commonly used building standards are from the International Code Council (ICC).  Cities (and other local governments) usually use these "as amended."  UT-Austin subscribes to ICC standards (this is the current edition) electronically:

Accessibility Standards

Both government agencies and industry groups issue standards for guidance on design topics. 

For standards from agencies of the federal government:

For access to industry standards in the UT-Austin subscriptions, see this guide:

Searching these products will also alert you to standards not in our collections.  Those may be requested through interlibrary loan.  


Membership (and other) organizations often share their expertise and provide guidelines for the benefit of others.  Here are some examples:

To find guidelines for your area of interest, strategies include:

  • following bibliographies from readings.
  • searching the websites of groups linked to the subject
  • doing a web search with a limit to an organization you know works in the area of interest.  For example: "universal design" guidelines
    • search result are likely to include additional materials, such as research papers

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.