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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Indigenous Popular Materials & Resources

Graphic Novels


Welcome to the Graphic Novels tab!

Here you will find a few popular graphic novels and comic books to check out.

We have a Research Tools box with books, databases, journals and more on researching comics and graphic novels. We also have a listing of selected graphic novels to check out, and a video on Dr. Lee Francis' TedTalk. We also have a side panel with Indigenous comics websites, non-specific to Indigenous communities comics websites, Indigenous comics vendors and readings lists with more comic book recommendations from across the web. 

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Art exhibit showcases Native American comic book heroes

Graphic Novels

Research Tools

Key Terms

A user can find relevant articles with key search terms. A combination of the following will yield appropriate responses: “Native American” “Native” “Indigenous” “American Indian” or specific tribe names such as “Ojibwe” “Pequot” or others, and “comics” or "graphic novels" or "comic books"

Boolean Operators

In addition to using keywords listed in the box above, Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) will assist you with finding sources.

AND: will return results containing both words entered in the search (Native American AND literature)

OR: will return results with either search term used; can be helpful when searching for synonyms or related terms (Native OR Indigenous)

Quotation marks will search the exact term ("Native American literature")

Parenthesis will help improve a search by allowing for multiple search filters: (Native American OR Indigenous OR American Indian) AND Comics

Truncation will widen a search with a wildcard symbol (*), so any variation of the root will be gathered (Photo* will return Photograph, Photographer, Photography, Photosynthesis, etc.)

These databases are not academic so they will not contain peer-reviewed articles, but they are still helpful resources to provide information on various topics concerning comic books/graphic novels.

Contact the liaison librarian to the Native American and Indigenous Studies program, Adriana Casarez ( for research help.

Dr. Lee Francis TedTalk

Dr. Lee Francis IV (Pueblo of Laguna) was an educator, activist, poet, CEO/Publisher of Native Realities, owner of Red Planet Comics & Books store in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Organizer of Indigenous Comic Con and comic creator. He was often referred to as the Stan Lee of the Indigenous community. This short TedTalk video is a great introduction to who Dr. Lee Francis IV was, however, I would highly suggest looking up more of his videos including interviews and reading some of his comics, including Moonshot; Ghost River; Tales of the Mighty Code Talkers; One Land, Many Nations, among others.

Indigenous Comics Websites

General Comics Websites

Indigenous Comics Vendors

Thank You & Credits

Thank you to the NYU LibGuide on Graphic Novels for their sources on journals and online resources. You can find this LibGuide here. 

Thank you to the Haskell LibGuide on Indigenous Graphic Novels for some of their research sources. Their guide is linked here. Check out their Get Involved tab!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.