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Comics & Graphic Novels

Defining Terms

Defining Terms

Graphic novels, comic books, comic strips, and manga are all forms of sequential art, but there are some key differences between them.

Graphic Novels are longer-form comic books that are typically published as standalone stories rather than being serialized in single issues.

  • Often have more complex storylines, characters, and themes than traditional comic books, and they may be targeted at adult audiences.
  • May be in color or black and white.

Comic Books are typically shorter-form serialized stories that are published in single issues on a regular schedule.

  • Often feature superheroes, but they can also include other genres such as horror, sci-fi, and romance.
  • Typically printed in color, and they may be targeted at different age ranges and demographics.

Comic Strips are short-form comics that are published in newspapers, magazines, or online.

  • Typically three to four panels long and feature a self-contained joke or story.
  • May be serialized over a longer period of time, but they are typically designed to be read in small doses.

Manga is a Japanese comic book form that originated in the late 19th century.

  • Typically printed in black and white and often features unique storytelling techniques, such as large panels and emotive character expressions.
  • Covers a wide range of genres, from action-adventure to romance to horror.

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