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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

ANT 324W - Mapping Indigenous Texas

Native American and Indigenous Studies Guide

How to Use This Guide

This guide supports the research of the Native American and Indigenous Studies program and related disciplines. The main goal of the program is to encourage an active intellectual and community engagement with Indigenous people and cultures.

Check out the tabs on the left for recommended starting points and resources.

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Search Tips

Keywords To Consider: Native, Native American, American Indian, Indian, First Nations People, Alaskan Native, Indigenous.

  • Also try searching by tribe, nation, band or community

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators such as AND, OR, and NOT, can aid your search.

AND will return results with that contain both words entered in the search: such as Indigenous AND Canada

OR will return results with either search term used : Native OR Indian

  • This can be helpful when searching for synonyms or related terms.

Quotation marks will search for an exact term: "Indigenous Rights"

Parenthesis can help improve a search by allowing for multiple search filters: (Native American OR First Nations) AND Religion

Truncation can serve to widen a search with a wildcard symbol "*", any variation of the root will be gathered: Photo* will return Photograph, Photographer, Photography, Photosynthesis

Related Guides & Collections

Thank You and Credits

Thank you to Berkeley Library's Native American History Guide, Kwantlen Polytechnic University's Indigenous Studies Guide.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.