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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Text Data Mining

Where can I find data and texts?

Where can I find data and texts?

The Library has access to licensed texts and data for your TDM research. Please contact your subject librarian

We also listed free datasets by subject/type. Use the navigation menus below to browse.

What about copyright?

Can I web scrape?

  • Please help us keep library databases available for everyone.
  • Using Python, R, or other programmatic tools to scrape database search results can result in access being shut down for the entire campus.  License agreements, between a database vendor and UT, as well as copyright laws affect what and how you can mine.
  • Before you scrape a library database or website, check out this flowchart (adapted from UC Berkeley Library):

Use the email above to send UT librarians any questions or inquiries about text and data mining access to library resources.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.