Find out the current news and issues in the following publications. Some provide opportunities to sign up for email updates or to follow on social media.
AMA Wire (American Medical Association) - "your destination for news and information impacting the medical community"
Kaiser Health News - "in-depth coverage of health care policy and politics"
Medscape - Medical news and perspectives; free registration required
ScienceDaily - "your source for the latest research news"
These links lead to lists or directories of accredited programs of study.
Commission on Dental Accreditation
Liaison Committee on Medical Education Accreditation
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education
AOA Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education
Many professional organizations have resources for students. These links lead to the student page, if there is one, on the organizations' websites.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
American Occupational Therapy Association
Texas Occupational Therapy Association
American Optometric Association
National Optometric Student Association
American Osteopathic Association
Texas Osteopathic Medical Association
American Pharmacists Association
American Physical Therapy Association
Texas Physical Therapy Association
American Veterinary Medical Association
Texas Veterinary Medical Association
American Board of Medical Specialties (you need to register to use this free resource)
BlueCross BlueShield of Texas Provider Finder
MedlinePlus list of directories for health professionals, services, and facilities
LinkedIn--From your homepage, search for a word or phrase (e.g. American medical, veterinary) then select Groups from the sidebar on the left.
Formerly known as ReferenceUSA.
Occupational Outlook Handbook - published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the United States Department of Labor. It provides career information such as duties, work environment, training and educational requirements, salary statistics, job outlook, and links to professional organizations
Wayfinder--UT program that assists undeclared students in identifying a major
Statista includes data on more than 85,000 topics from 18,000 sources. About 20 percent of the total data in Statista comes from sources available free online, such as the World Bank and the U.S. Census, but the data also includes numerous exclusive sources which include industry, marketing, and trade groups. Much of the data is related to marketing, demographic, government and industry information, and is international in scope. Data can be downloaded in JPG, PowerPoint and Excel.
While historical and time series data are not a focus of Statista, the metadata about each table provides all the necessary information to go to the table’s source, where historical information may be available.
Divided into broad sections such as Population, Health and Nutrition, Education, Foreign Commerce and Aid, Prices and many others, the database can be searched or browsed to retrieve results that can then be narrowed by source, geography, time period, subject, and other breakdowns.
"Diabetes Core Update is a monthly audio podcast devoted to presenting and discussing the latest clinically relevant articles from the American Diabetes Association’s four scholarly journals – Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Clinical Diabetes, and Diabetes Spectrum. Each episode is approximately 15 minutes long and presents 5-6 recently published articles from ADA journals. Intended for the busy health care professional who has little time to review journal articles in depth, Diabetes Core Update discusses how the latest research and information published in ADA journals are relevant to clinical practice and can be applied in a treatment setting."
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