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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Religious Studies

Statistics, organizations

Statistics, organizations

Data and statistics on religion are notoriously difficult (and in some cases controversial) to gather.  Here are some scholarly organizations that do some work in this area:

  • Pew Research Center on Religion & Public Life, Religious Landscape Study
  • "Religious Affiliation in Texas", Texas Almanac, Texas State Historical Association
    based on ARDA (Association of Religion Data Archives): U.S. Congregational Membership: Reports
  • Handbook of Texas Online, John W. Storey, "Religion,"
  • Database of Religious History (DRH) -- "Online quantitative and qualitative encyclopedia of religious cultural history."
    "The DRH is designed to be a community resource for religious historians, a centralized, constantly-updated, open access repository for the state of the art in scholarly opinion on religious history. Its minimal gatekeeping also facilitates broad reach and inclusiveness: only qualified experts can contribute, but they can volunteer themselves from anywhere in the world, rather than having to be known to and selected by a single editor or small group of editors. The result should be a much more comprehensive and diverse snapshot of scholarly opinion in any given field."


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