Several databases offer support to teachers as they use children's literature in the classroom...
Education Source
Articles from teacher magazines and research journals about teaching with children's literature. A good place to find more information to develop evidence-based teaching practices.
A easy way to generate a list of useful books by genre/topic. Includes streaming author interviews and book readings, lesson plans, discussion guides and more. If you find a book that's a good match for you, check our Library Catalog to see if we own a copy. If we don't, try InterLibrary Loan or Austin Public Library.
Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)
Search for books by topic and grade level, reading levels, genre, author/illustrator and more. Includes book reviews for most entries. If you find a book that's a good match for you, check our Library Catalog to see if we own a copy. If we don't, try InterLibrary Loan or Austin Public Library.
Literary Reference Center
Author biographies, book reviews, magazine articles and literary criticism. A great source for teaching literature in high schools.