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Educational Psychology

Tracking Your Impact

Web of Science - General Search

To avoid having to repeat the below process every time you want to see your citations and h-index, you should register for a ResearcherID (RID). This allows you to claim a unique ID number for yourself within the WOS system, and then attach all your publications to it. After that, you (or anyone else) can get regular updates and reports. The RID can be linked to your ORCID ID and will cross-populate your references.

Check your citations

  1. Connect to Web of Science (and make sure you're searching the "Core Collection").
  2. Open the More Settings menu in the lower part of the window, and select the database segments most aligned with your area of study.WOS author search form
  3. Select Author Search from the top menu line (not from the field selector pull-down menu).  This will open a multi-step sequence where you'll enter name, discipline, and institution information.  Type your last name and initial(s) in the search boxes. If you always use a middle initial on your papers, include it as well. If you've published under different surnames, you can add an Author Name Variant to the form. 
  4. Click Select Research Domain to continue.  TIP:  The broad "Research Domain" choices are somewhat arbitrary and often not useful as filters, so you can skip this step and click Select Organization to continue.
  5. Scan the Organization list carefully and select any/all institutions that you have been affiliated with. The form of entry of institution names can vary, so be sure you find all the variants in the list. Then click Finish Search.
  6. Once you have a results list that looks fairly accurate, click on Create Citation Report. The Citation Report ranks the results in descending order of citations received, and provides a year-by-year summary of citations, a sum of Times Cited, an average citations-per-article figure, an option to remove self-citations, and the h-index for this set of articles. To increase accuracy, browse the entire report, and mark and remove any entries that don't belong there.
  7. You can export the Citation Report as an Excel file if you wish.

Google Scholar's "My Citations"

The easiest way to begin tracking the impact of your work is to set up a Google Scholar profile. You may choose to keep your profile private or make it public. As you publish articles, simply add them to your account, and Google Scholar begins tracking citations to your work and calculating your overall h-index.

Publish or Perish

Publish or Perish software calculates:

  • Total number of papers
  • Total number of citations
  • Average number of citations per paper
  • Average number of citations per author
  • Average number of papers per author
  • Average number of citations per year
  • Hirsch's H-Index and related parameters
  • Egghe's G-Index
  • The contemporary G-Index
  • The age-weighted citation rate
  • Two variations of individual H-Indices
  • An analysis of the number of authors per paper


An ORCID is unique identifier that distinguishes your from other researchers, and it can help ensure your work is accurately tracked and attributed. Many publishers are now requiring ORCIDs from their authors.

Ten things you need to know about ORCID (from ImpactStory) is a great summary of the value of ORCID IDs.

Alt Metrics

Altmetrics track your impact beyond scholarly citation counts and journal impact metrics. They attempt to track things like public policy documents, media, blogs, social media and much more.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.