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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Tests & Measures

Getting Started


PsycTESTS is an electronic database providing descriptive summaries, full text (when available), and relevant citations on the development and assessment of tests and measures that can be used in research and teaching. Updated monthly, PsycTESTS includes unpublished tests, tests developed by psychologists for which no source document has been located, and information about published tests available from commercial publishers.

Published or Unpublished?

Tests and measures fall into two categories...

1) Published tests (also known as commercial tests) are copyrighted tests that must be purchased directly from the publisher, and they typically require users to qualify as test administrators before purchases are approved. Published tests can be quite expensive and are generally not sold to libraries.

2) Unpublished tests are not sold commercially. These can be found in a variety of places, including journal articles, dissertations and books. Copyright restrictions vary among unpublished tests, so contacting the author for permission is always recommended.

American Psychological Association Information

For more information, the American Psychological Association offers a helpful FAQ.

Need Help?

Grant Hardaway
Psychology, Biochemistry, Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience

Erin Anderson
Social Work, Educational Psychology, Kinesiology & Health Education, Human Development and Family Sciences

Janelle Hedstrom
Applied Learning & Development, Education, Special Education

Lynn Bostwick
Nursing, Nutrition, Public Health


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.