Start at the Library Catalog to find books owned by UT Libraries:
Google Books is also a good place to start finding books that match your interests. Google Books searches through the full-text of millions of books, so it can locate texts using very specific terms, while library catalogs generally search in titles a subject headings. If Google Books doesn't allow access to the full text, then check the Library Catalog to see if we own a copy.
If you need assistance, visit our Search Help pages, or Ask A Librarian!
Dissertations can be tricky to find because they are archived on so many difference platforms, but these are two great places to start. For Google Scholar, try adding "dissertation" to your search terms.
Use this link to access Google Scholar, and see our Google Scholar Guide for information on using this resource.
If you encounter a warning about the security certificate when using the FindIt@UT tool in Google Scholar, you can learn more about that using this guide.
To find theses and dissertations from UT Austin, search in our Library Catalog for older materials that may still be held in print, and search or browse in Texas ScholarWorks to find electronic copies.
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