Spring 2025
Open Source GIS: From QGIS to Python

This workshop will guide attendees through open source GIS workflows using QGIS's approachable user interface and demonstrate how to replicate those processes programmatically in Python for enhanced reproducibility and efficiency. GIS beginners can expect a well rounded introduction to geospatial data and software, while seasoned users will benefit from techniques for automating their workflows with Python.
Intro to Python for Data Management

When you start working with large datasets or need to develop reproducible workflows that can openly be shared with others, the ability to develop scripted processes for data processing and analysis can be essential. Tune in for this workshop to learn the basics of using Python, a popular free and open source scripting language, to process and manage research data.
Python for Data Retrieval and Visualization❤
In this workshop you will have a chance to go beyond the basic of Python to gain experience using scripts to retrieve data from different online sources that you can utilize in your research. After retrieving data using APIs, you will learn how to process and clean the data for further analysis and visualization using pandas and matplotlib.
Making Beautiful Plots in R's ggplot2
Never have plot envy again! This hands-on workshop will demystify the fundamentals of using the ggplot2 package in R and will supercharge your plots with statistical data. You will get the most out of this workshop if you already know R basics (e.g., how to define a variable and how to specify input parameters to a function), but otherwise assumes no knowledge of coding in R or building plots in ggplot2.
Where and How to Publish Research Data
There are a wide range of platforms available to researchers to share their data, and it can be overwhelming trying to find the best home for your data (including which platforms to avoid). This workshop will provide an overview on how to pick a repository for publishing your data, with an emphasis on generalist (non-discipline-specific) platforms, and provide best practices for sharing high-quality metadata and data that maximizes their accessibility and reuse potential and that complies with federal agencies' policies.
How to Share Sensitive (Human) Data
Sharing research data is a requirement of many funding agencies and journals. When the data includes information which, when made public, could be used to harm research participants, researchers must maintain a duty of care to keep the data secure and to protect participants’ identities. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to meet requirements for data sharing while ensuring ethical treatment and protection of sensitive data. We will address consent issues and IRB, secure storage, anonymization, and de-identification, as well as data (re)use agreements. We will also point out which data can be shared.