If you aren't looking for highly specific academic literature about a particular topic and want to just learn more about current developments in a broader area of research, a good way to find articles that might interest you is by browsing through recent issues of journals that focus on GIS and geospatial research. This is also a good way to develop familiarity with the the type of content that different journals accept for publication which can help you determine which journal might be most appropriate for you to submit your manuscript to once you are ready to publish about your work. It is important to recognize that not all academic journals are equally well regarded and some are considered to be more prestigious or impactful than others. This is important to consider both when looking for relevant academic literature to consult as well as when you are looking to publish an article of your own. In order to gain a better understanding of how different geospatial journals are regarding in the academic community you may want to read the following journal articles (see links below) which use well documented and carefully developed methodologies to rank academic journals that publish GIScience articles.
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