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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 303: Savvy Healthcare Consumer - Rush

Follow the thread activity


This activity will help you learn to follow the thread of ideas through sources of information.

There are 3 sets of articles below.  Use your set of articles to work with your group on answering the questions in the "follow the thread" word document.

When you are done, you'll discuss this as a class.  Please upload the completed document to Canvas.

Finding an Article with a Specific Citation

1. Type the title of the article into the large search bar on the library website. You can also search the article title in Articles & More. See the video below.

2. If you don't see your article, use the Journals search function to search the journal title.

Your results should display the name of the journal along with some links for accessing it.

Select the link that includes the publication date of the issue that was published on the date listed in your article citation.

3. If the correct issue is not displayed, you can submit an interlibrary loan request to obtain a copy of the article from another institution.


Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.