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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

ME 302 - Introduction to Engineering Design and Graphics

Finding Journal Articles and Conference Papers

Finding Research Papers, Plus Magazine and Newspaper Articles

For help in finding articles (journal, magazine, and newspaper), we recommend using indexing tools.  Some indexes only index; some index and include text for some of the articles.  Always, though, you should see the citation for the article.  This helps find the text for the article in the UT subscriptions.

Here are databases we especially recommend for you:

"Find it at UT"

Click on "Find it at UT" (or on an icon with similar text) to link to the electronic text of a journal article.  Sometimes, the linking won't get you to the text.  If that happens, you should see a link to where you can request a copy.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.