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Educational Leadership & Policy Research

Research support for ELP graduate students and faculty.

Tracking Your Impact

Google Scholar's "My Citations"

The easiest way to begin tracking the impact of your work is to set up a Google Scholar author profile. You may choose to keep your profile private or make it public. As you publish articles, simply add them to your account, and Google Scholar begins tracking citations to your work and calculating your overall h-index.


Sometimes authors are also interested in looking beyond scholarly citation counts and journal impact metrics. Altmetrics attempt to track how you or your work is acknowledged or used in non-traditional ways and places. This is a new field, so there are regularly new products and tools being developed, but there are some good place to get started...

What are Altmetrics?

Altmetrics Free Tools


Orchid ID

An ORCID is unique identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers, and it can help ensure your work is accurately tracked and attributed. Many publishers are now requiring ORCIDs from their authors.

"Ten things you need to know about ORCID" (from ImpactStory) is a great summary of the value of ORCID IDs.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.