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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Persistent Identifiers

Using your ORCID

Using your ORCID

Use your ORCID iD when prompted in processes such as manuscript submission and grant proposals and reporting (e.g. eRA Commons).

Link your ORCID iD to (or include it in your profile for) other services, including Publonsfigshare, and your professional organizations.

Include your ORCID iD on conference posters (generate a QR code, if you like, right from your ORCID record page), to direct people to your works.

Consider including your ORCID on your webpage, in social media accounts, and in your email signature.

For display, ORCID recommends using the entire URL and ORCID logo:

orcid logo 16px

Allow someone else to manage your record

If you grant a delegate access to your ORCID record, they can update and manage the record on your behalf. Note that delegates must have their own ORCID iD to log in. You can add a trusted individual in your account settings.

For more information, see Add a trusted individual to your account in the ORCID Help Center.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.