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Business Research Center

Who Can Access WRDS ?

WRDS Masters Student Alert

Summer Recess Restricted Access – Masters Students

During the summer recess students with Masters Accounts will not be able to access WRDS.  Since many Masters students have corporate internships during the summer, Wharton Research Data Services shuts down access to WRDS to avoid conflicts.

Summer Recess Restricted Access Dates

Start Date - May 10, 2024


End Date - August 23, 2024

Summer 2024 PhD Graduates

August 29, 2024: Wharton Research Data Services will shut down access for all Summer 2024 graduates.

Only University of Texas at Austin faculty, PhD and Master's students can request an individual WRDS account.

  • Undergraduate students have access through a class account set up by the instructor.
  • Alumni, visitors and ” Courtesy Borrowers" will not have access to WRDS.
  • University of Texas at Austin staff do not have access to WRDS.
  • Review the "Account Types" below carefully before requesting an account.
Review account types carefully before requesting an account. All questions about access to Wharton Research Data Services at the University of Texas at Austin should be forwarded to the WRDS administrator: 

Account Type

Access Level





Class Accounts

All class accounts will be disabled June 30, 2024. WRDS will be updating access and formats for this type of account.  Class accounts will not be available until July 26, 2024.

One account for the whole class.


Requested by instructor of a class currently listed by the Office of Registrar. Class accounts are active for one semester and cannot begin before or be extended beyond the semester.

End of semester


Individual account

Expires after 5 years; renewable

Terminates with end of employment.

Master's Students

Individual account

Duration 2 years; no summer access

Terminates with graduation

PhD Students

Individual account

Duration 2 years; renewable

Terminates with graduation.

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Supervised Students Only) Individual account Requested by faculty only, subject to approval. Expires at the end of the semester when the account was approved

Graduate Summer Only

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Research Assistant (Supervised Students Only)

Individual account

Requested by faculty only, subject to approval.

Expires at the end of the semester when the account was approved.

Visiting Faculty or Scholar

Individual account

Subject to approval by department.

Starts when the appointment begins and expires when the appointment ends.

Use the following link to register for an account. The register button is located in the upper right-hand corner of the page.



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