When searching in library catalogs and databases, you can use keywords (i.e. natural language) or database specific subject terms to search for relevant information resources. Here is a list of keywords and subject terms that apply to health equity.
Keywords (use in any database)
- Health equity
- Health inequity
- Health disparities
- Health equality
- Health inequality
- "Social determinants of health" OR SDOH
Subject Terms for Specific Article Databases - each database will have their own subject index where you can discover relevant subject terms. You can use these terms in a search strategy and/or you can initiate a search from the subject index. Here are examples of databases with their relevant subject terms:
PubMed's MeSH index (Medical Subject Headings)
PsycINFO ("Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms" - find in the PsycINFO database)
- Health Disparities
- Mental Health Disparities
SocINDEX ("Subject Terms" - find in the SocINDEX database)
- Health Equity
- Health Services Accessibility
- Social Determinants of Health
Subject Terms for Book Catalogs
UT Libraries' catalog uses mainly Library of Congress subject terms, but some records have the National Library of Medicine subject terms as well.
WorldCat catalog use both Library of Congress and National Library of Medicine subject terms.
Library of Congress
- Equality -- Health Aspects
- Ethnicity -- Health Aspects
- Health Services Accessibility
- Health Status Indicators
- Social Status -- Health Aspects
- Social Classes -- Health Aspects
- Income Distribution -- Health Aspects
- Poor -- Health Aspects
- Poverty -- Health Aspects
- Public Health -- Moral and Ethical Aspects
- Discrimination in Medical Care
National Library of Medicine - same subject terms as PubMed MeSH (see above).