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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

OnRamps History: For Instructors

A guide for OnRamps History Instructors on UT Austin Libraries access, information literacy and pedagogical resources.

Help! For you and your students

Research Help

Work with your school or public librarian to help students with their research - ask for instruction sessions, tool demos and one on one consultations. 

Here is how you can contact us and get help with UT-specific resources:
Email us with questions (this is the fastest way to get help with UT resources; students can use this service)

Need more help like this? 

Check out the University Writing Center's handouts for guidance on teaching writing skills and for resources to give to your students

Access Issue?

Contact the OnRamps helpline at, or call or send a text to (512) 265-2515.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.