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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

OnRamps History: For Instructors

A guide for OnRamps History Instructors on UT Austin Libraries access, information literacy and pedagogical resources.

Finding Sources

Find Articles

While many good resources can indeed be found on the free web (Google), it is important to teach students the value and benefits of library databases and how to use them.

Discuss the similarities and differences with your students.

  • Google searches are run by proprietary algorithms. Factors such as location and past search history will impact the results, and companies use search engine optimization and money to boost their position within the results.
  • Library databases will retrieve scholarly sources and provide access to subscription-only material from thousands of publications. We want students to be savvy in finding and evaluating information in multiple places and formats.

Use the tabs to direct your students to different types of information - make sure to let them know what they will find in each type and why they should consult those resources.

To find scholarly articles related to your topic, search through these essential, comprehensive humanities databases. 

Some of these databases are focused on topics related to U.S. History and contain scholarship and secondary sources. Other databases focus on articles from history adjacent disciplines that may be helpful to explore more of your topic. 

See the U.S. History Guide

UT LIbraries' U.S. History Guide provides links to the most useful library tools and resources for researching U.S. History. The guide features finding books, background information, secondary sources and recommendations for finding primary sources by time period, topic and type. 

*General history databases, resources, instructions for finding primary sources, and help on citation can be found on the History Guide.

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