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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

MNS 308: Humans and a Changing Ocean


How to Use this Guide

This guide is designed to support the course, MNS 308: Humans and a Changing Ocean with Dr. Min. 

Course Description: This course will cover the sustainability and consequences of human-induced alteration of the marine environment and climate change including ocean warming, sea level change, acidification, de-oxygenation, eutrophication, pollution, impacts on fisheries, marine mammals and food-web changes, and changes in species composition and ecological function. The course is primarily intended for non-science majors.

Course Goal: (1) to develop a deeper understanding of marine science and human impacts on global ocean environments and ecosystems, (2) to improve communication skills to engage with general public on marine and environmental science issues, and (3) to develop a strong sense of ethical decision making and responsible conduct in climate change, environment, and sustainability issues in adult and professional life.

The purpose of the guide is to help you navigate the various print and electronic resources. You will find information for:

  • Information Literacy Toolkit
  • Ethics & Ethical information
  • Selecting databases for finding articles
  • Writing assistance
  • Citing references  

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