If you request a book loan, we will try to borrow it from another library or purchase an ebook for the collection. If you only need a chapter or specific pages from a book, you can use the Article/Book Chapter form that you will see on the top menu once you are logged in to ILS. Here you can choose Article/Book Chapter, or AV.
First, check that UT libraries does not own the item. You can check the catalog and search for the title. If UT libraries owns the item, you can order it through the Pick it Up service offered when you are logged in in the record.
Click here to go to your loan request form
You will see the following request form.

Fill in as much information as possible. Be sure to pay attention to the advanced options as well. Including the ISBN or OCLC number will speed up your request.
*NOTE*: Be sure to only include the numbers in the ISBN, not the letters "ISBN", as the letters interfere with the system's ability to read the numbers. For example, in the ISBN field, you could put "9780737724448" but do not put "ISBN: 9780737724448".
Once you have filled out your information, click submit and your request will be sent.