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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Integrative Biology

This guide is designed to help researchers in integrative biology navigate library and information-related resources.

Sharing Data

Sharing your data

Sharing your data generally means you are making it openly accessible in a data repository that is free to access. Why might you share your data?

  • Sharing your data may be required by a funder or a journal.
  • Makes it easier to verify your findings. 
  • Improves trust in scientific research. 
  • Can increase the impact and visibility of research.

Recommended Generalist Repositories

Texas Data Repository 

  • Free to deposit for all UT researchers
  • Size limitation: 10 GB | about 2 GB limit per file
  • UT supported resource available through Texas Digital Library Consortium, the Libraries provides support


  • Costs to deposit (120 USD/deposit with additional fees for larger datasets) | free when depositing with a Publisher member
  • Size limitation: 300GB total | individual files should not exceed 10GB
  • Non-profit repository provides basic curation support


  • Free to deposit
  • Size limitation: no size limitation | 5 GB file limitation
  • Non-profit repository for data, registrations, preprints, and more

Discipline Specific Repositories

There are thousands of discipline-specific repositories. The one you use will likely depend on the type of data you have. It is still important to be fully aware of the supported metadata standards, file preparation steps, and parameters of discipline-specific repositories. The following are resources to search for repositories. Though please be aware these resources are not limited to discipline-specific repositories. 

What to share?

  • Raw data
  • Data used in analysis & figures
  • Code
  • README file

README.txt Templates

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.