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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

AFR 387: Performing Blackness / Thompson


Select Books

Finding and Checking Out Books @ UT

The Fine Arts Library and other UT Libraries have thousands and thousands of books on all conceivable topics in their collections. You can perform author and/or title searches in The Library Catalog to find both print and eBooks. You can also search by subject headings and keywords.

Ways to Search the Library Catalog

Keyword Searching

Use keywords to search for artists, art movements, materials, or your topic. 


  • Romare Bearden 
  • Black Arts movement
  • Photography 


Use the title of a book you are looking for in a catalog search. 

Example: Among Others: Blackness at MoMA

Subject Search

Use the subject search to find books related to your topic (Advanced Search --> Click on "Any Field"  dropdown and select "Subject"; enter a subject search term).


You can also try browsing the stacks in person at the Fine Arts Library. The books are located on the 5th floor and are cataloged by Library of Congress Classification. Try looking in these sections for the books that you need.

Performing Arts

Dance (GV 1580-1799)

Musical Scores (M)

Music (ML)

Performing Arts (PN 1560-1590)

Drama (PN 1600-1988)

Theater (PN 2000-3307)

Costume, Clothing and Dress  (TT - TX 340)


Visual Art

Art-General (N)

Architecture (NA)

Sculpture (NB)

Drawing (NC)

Commercial Art (NC 997)

Painting (ND)

Prints, Graphic Arts (NE)     

Decorative Arts (NK)

Design History (NK 1100 - NK 1400)

Furniture (NK 1900 - NK 2750)

Art Theory (NX)

Photography (TR)

Industrial Design (TS)

Library Catalog - FAQ

How long can I check out a book?

  • As a UT student you can check a book out for the entire semester

Pick it Up button 

  • Recalls an item that is checked out by someone else (don't feel bad about requesting the things you need!)
  • Recalls an item from storage (we have more books than we can store onsite -- don't limit yourself to what you see in the stacks)
  • Allows you to pick up a book at the PCL (even if it is from somewhere else)

Renew Online

  • Use the My Account tab at the top right of the library home page or catalog to renew materials

Don't see what you need?

  • Use interlibrary loan to request a copy of the print book from another library for free. 

Book Not Available @ UT?

Interlibrary Loan:

  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) can be used to request physical items like print books, microfilm, AV material, and conference proceedings. 

Get a Scan

  • Scans of book chapters, journal and newspaper articles are available to UT-Austin users with a 3-5 day turnaround time.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.