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AFR 387: Performing Blackness / Thompson

Annotated Bibliography Help

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Word Choice & Annotated Bibliographies

Some language for talking about texts and arguments:

It is sometimes challenging to find the vocabulary in which to summarize and discuss a text. Here is a list of some verbs for referring to texts and ideas that you might find useful:

account for        clarify                describe          exemplify       indicate          question     
analyze compare depict exhibit investigate recognize
argue conclude determine explain judge reflect
assess criticize distinguish frame justify refer to
assert defend evaluate identify narrate report
assume define emphasize illustrate persuade review
claim demonstrate examine imply propose suggest


The evidence indicates that . . .

The article assesses the effect of . . .

The author identifies three reasons for . . .

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Evaluating Sources

Evaluative annotations may contain the following type of information:

  • The importance of the work’s contribution to the literature of the subject
  • The author’s bias or tone
  • The author’s qualifications for writing the work
  • The accuracy of the information in the source
  • Limitations or significant omissions
  • The work’s contribution to the literature of the subject
  • Comparison with other works on the topic

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.