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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Language Teaching Pedagogy

This LibGuide serves as a pedagogical resource for teachers of a second language. Organized into modules that address specific elements of teaching a second language - such as classroom planning, evaluations and assessments, communicative approaches to te

Open Education Resources

Open Education Resources (OER): Introduction

OER is an abbreviation that stands for Open Education Resources, which refer to education resources that have been licensed using a Creative Commons license which generally speaking allows other educators to reuse and in some case readapt the resources in question to their own ends. Indeed, the five Rs of OER – retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute – speak to this idea of freely sharing and using educational resources. OER has been championed by many libraries and educators as a publishing practice that corresponds better with the spirit of knowledge seeking and education that defines universities since it facilitates a freer circulation of knowledge and information. OER also recognizes that the general public finances a lot of university research through tax-funded grants, so the results of that research belong more properly in the public domain. OER’s popularity has also risen in recent years as a reaction against the acquisitive practices of many academic publishing houses of which the licensing fees and book prices have increased dramatically in the past two decades.

The resources on this page address various dimensions of OER, including 1) fuller explanations of OER (see libguide mentioned under "online resources"), 2) where to find OER resources (see "online resources"), 3) how to create OER resources (see "online resources"), 4) and how to understand and apply Creative Commons licenses (see below).

What is copyright?

Common questions and responses from the U.S. Copyright Office:

What is copyright?

  • Copyright is “a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as an author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression.”

Who is a copyright owner?

  • “Everyone is a copyright owner. Once you create an original work [...] you are the author and owner.”

What rights do copyright owners have?

  • The right to: “reproduce the work in copies; to prepare derivative works; to distribute copies of the work by sale or other transfer of ownership; to perform work publicly; to display work publicly”

How long does copyright protection last?

  • General rule: “life of the author +70 years”

U.S. Copyright Office (2024, March 26). What is Copyright?

What are Creative Commons Licenses?

Online Resources for OER

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.