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Navigating the Book Dashboard

Navigating the Book Dashboard

The Book Dashboard is where you can access metadata, permissions, styling, and more. This section of the guide will go over the six tabs of the Book Dashboard.



The first several option under "Properties" allow you to change the information you have already entered like Title, as well as adding a brief summary and customizing the URL of your Book.


Below this are the Permission settings. Setting the Book as "No login required" allows people without a Scalar account and people outside of academic institutions can access it. 


The Comments properties are an option for either collaborating on a Book or encouraging discussion around it. The option to enable embeds an annotation and mark-up website into the book, which requires a separate account.

Table of Contents: 

The Table of Contents setting allows you to designate one of your Book's pages as a table of contents.

Publisher Credit:

At the bottom, publisher credits and usage rights can be entered. Don't forget to save! Click "Save" in the lower right corner.


In the "Editorial" tab, you can enable the optional Editorial Workflow. This enables authors and editors to manage the editorial status of everything in the book. A full list of features can be found on this Editorial Workflow page.


In "Styling," you can adjust cosmetic settings, upload a thumbnail and background image, and enter custom CSS or Javascript.


"Content" allows you to:

  • View pages and edit their names and descriptions. 
  • Select the drop down menu that defaults to "Pages" and
  • Look at different content such as media files or paths within the Book.


"Users" shows everyone with access to the Book, as well as their role. "Authors" have full permissions to edit and add to the book, while "Editors" and "Viewers" have less.


Within "Utilities" are three subcategories: Import, Export, and API Explorer. In "Import," you can copy or upload a Book.

If you have logged in to another Scalar book, or it is set to public, you may enter the URL to import it onto your Book. You can also upload or paste in a comma separated values document to create and populate multiple pages at once.


From the "Import" section, click "Important Notes" or follow the link on the page to the Scalar 2 Advanced Topics guide for more information on how to import Books and CSVs. 


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.