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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries


Archives & Primary Sources

Archives & Centers

Archives and Centers at UT

The Alexander Architectural Archives, part of the Architecture & Planning Library, has over 140 collections of material preserved to enrich and serve our architectural heritage. Holdings include any type of document involved in the management of a firm, the development of a design through the finished product, and the reflection of lives of architects, landscape architects, planners, designers, preservationists, historians, professors, and businesses in the industry. Search the AAA's finding aids via Texas Archival Resources Online (TARO).

The Architecture and Planning Library's Special Collections include 20,000 works of rare and unique materials, including libraries of the Paul Cret, Charles Moore, and Colin Rowe. Additionally, the library holds microfiche collections of early architectural texts.

The Briscoe Center for American History’s archival, artifact, and library collections contain historical treasures documenting key themes in Texas and U.S. history.

The LLILAS Benson: Latin American Studies and Collections' holdings include nearly a million books, magazines, newspapers, journals and other materials. This collection is complemented by a world-class archival collection containing manuscripts, art, maps, letters and other one-of-a-kind materials. The collection is continually enriched by a vigorous acquisitions program and by a growing collection of original digital resources available online.

The Ransom Center is an internationally renowned humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin. Its extensive collections provide unique insight into the creative process of writers and artists, deepening our understanding and appreciation of literature, photography, film, art, and the performing arts.

Looking for primary and archival material beyond UT? Check out these resources:

Sources for Research

On Built in Buffalo, Cynthia Van Ness, who is local to Buffalo, includes the types of resources that you might consider consulting as you look for material on your subject. Ignoring the Buffalo specific, think about where you might find some of these types of resources. If you are not sure, you can always consult your local librarian, Katie Pierce Meyer.

The Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University also has guide that identifies different types of resources one might consult while researching a house.

Additional Resources

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