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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries



Browsing Options

There are multiple ways to find images in ARTstor through the browse function. There are also multiple ways to begin a browse search. Below are instructions for starting from the main menu bar.


  • Using the main menu bar, select Find->Browse->Geography
  • The new screen will allow you to open a folder by country
  • You may double click the the country to see all images associated with the country or you can further refine your search by classification.
  • In the drop down menu of the folder, select the classification type. For example, Architecture and City Planning.
  • Note that the numbers in parentheses after the classification indicate how many associated images there are with a country or classification type. Once you have a selected classification type to view, you will not be able to further refine the image set.  If there are numerous images, you may wish to undertake an advanced search.


  • Using the main menu bar, select Find->Browse->Classification
  • The new screen will allow you to open a folder by classification type and then refine by geographical location.
  • You may double click the classification to see all images associated with the type or you can further refine your search by location
  • In the drop down menu of the folder, select a location. For example, United States.
  • Note that the numbers in parentheses after the location indicate how many associated images there are with a country or classification type. Once you have selected location to view, you will not be able to further refine the image set.  If there are numerous images, you may wish to undertake an advanced search.


  • Using the main menu bar, select Find->Browse->Collection
  • Double click the collection name to view all images associated with a specific donor. Please note that the images in ARTstor may represent only a portion of the collection.
  • The collection can further be refined by classification and then geography.

Shared Shelf Commons

  • Using the main menu bar, select Find->Browse Shared Shelf Commons
  • Using the drop menu, select a collection from Shared Shelf Commons
  • The collection can be viewed in whole or further refined by classification and geography.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.