Below are links to streaming film collections (feature films, documentaries, and other films) and collections of filmed theatrical performances.
This streaming service has a catalog of over 30,000 titles covering various educational topics and feature films for some 800 producers including Criterion, Documentary Educational Resources, New Day Films, Media Education, California Newsreel, PBS and others.
Titles streamed by Kanopy are available either directly from the library catalog or from the UT Kanopy interface linked above. Some titles on the UT Kanopy interface are not immediately available to UT community for streaming. Those titles for which we do not hold streaming rights could be requested by filling in a request form. This form would appear on your screen and forwarded to a staff member for consideration. Given our limited funds, we emphasize study and research needs when making purchase decisions.
Users may also make isolated clips from the videos and save them in a free account available for registration set up within the database.
Information on basic system requirements for both PC and Mac platforms is available on the site.
Viewing these videos requires a high-speed Internet connection, audio capabilities, and a current web browser, such as Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. is an on-demand website for HD-quality contemporary performance films. Launched in January 2010, this first-of-its-kind site brings contemporary work to a wider public by filming top caliber performances with multiple high-definition cameras, editing the film collaboratively with the artists, and delivering them online as feature-length performance films. Filmed at On the Boards, as well as peer theaters across the country, the performances present a snapshot of the best new works by current leaders in dance, theater and music. The films consist of compelling international and northwest contemporary performance including works by artists who are rarely seen in the US and works that will never be performed again.
See our Film & Video Resources pages for more info on our streaming services. You can search for films on DVD or VHS in the library catalog.
Library Databases for Film Studies Research (journals and articles)
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