Robert Helmreich was a faculty member at the University of Texas at Austin and was associated with the Human Factors Research Project. The reports for which we get requests are not held in the UT Libraries nor at any location we have discovered.
- Other materials by Helmreich and his students can be found in the library catalog. Helmreich and his associates published many papers; their work is available, especially in the psychology literature.
- The Helmreich lab closed years ago, so we are no longer able to point requesters to that staff.
- The information at the old lab page directs inquiries to:
David M Musson, MD, PhD
Director, Centre for Simulation-Based Learning
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia
McMaster University
1200 Main Street West HSC-1M1
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8N 3Z5
- Despite the use of "NASA" and "FAA" in report numbers, there is no evidence that these were official NASA or FAA reports.
These are some of the reports for which we have been asked in the recent past and which we do not have:
- Helmreich, R. L., Butler, R. E., Taggart, W. R., & Wilhelm, J. A. "The NASA/University of Texas/FAA Line/LOS Checklist: A behavioral marker-based checklist for CRM skills assessment"(1994) NASA/UT/FAA Technical Report 94-02.
- Helmreich, R, Sexton, B, Merritt, A. (1997). "The Operating Room Management Attitudes Questionnaire (ORMAQ)."University of Texas Aerospace Crew Research Project Technical Report 97-6. Austin: The University of Texas.
- Helmreich, R.L., Wilhelm, J.A., Kello, J.E., Taggart, W.R., & Butler, R.E. (1991). Reinforcing and evaluating crew resource management: Evaluator/LOS instructor reference manual (NASA/University of Texas Technical Manual 90-2). Austin.
- Merritt, A. C., & Helmreich, R. L. (1993). NASA/UT/FAA Flight Attendants Flight Management Attitudes Questionnaire (FAFMAQ). NASA/UT/FAA Technical Report 93-5. Austin, TX: The University of Texas.
- Merritt, A.C., Helmreich, R.L., Wilhelm, J.A., & Sherman, P.J. (1996). Flight Management Attitudes Questionnaire 2.0 (International) and 2.1 (USA/Anglo). The University of Texas Aerospace Crew Research Project Technical Report 96-4.