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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Technical Reports

NASA and NACA Reports

Basics on Finding NASA and NACA Reports

When searching for NASA and NACA reports, remember that NACA (the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) got its start in 1915 and was renamed NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1958.  

The NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) provides full-text access to most NACA publications and many NASA publications.  As of April 2021, a change with the product made indexing unreliable; be sure to check other options for access to reports.


For a more sophisticated search tool, though with coverage only back to 1965, we think of:

As the reports were published, the University Libraries received many NACA reports in print and then many NASA reports.  These came first in print and then most were in microfiche.  We think of going first to the Internet repositories but sometimes the library collections may come in handy.

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