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Technical Reports

Home - Some Basics for Finding Technical Reports


Looking for a specific report? Please contact me if you need help.

Technical reports are often sponsored by a governmental agency (e.g. NASA), an academic institution, or by a company (e.g. HP). Some reports are freely available on the Internet and others are available from libraries, but others may be found only by contacting an author (or with other detective work) or never located.

On the left are links with specific information on finding NASA and NACA reports.  Additionally:

Recommended sites:

TRAIL at 15

Special Help

  • Technical Reports Collections - The Library of Congress Science, Technology & Business Division.
  • Engineering Societies Papers: Searching for Papers - From the Linda Hall Library.  The Linda Hall Library received the holdings of the Engineering Societies Library when it dissolved in 1995.  These holdings included difficult-to-find papers --- usually conference papers --- from major engineering societies.  The societies had well-developed conventions for assigning paper numbers; this can disguise the fact that they are actually papers from conferences. 


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Larayne Dallas
My desk is in the Engineering Library, EER 1.706.

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