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UGS 303: Playing and Writing / Lynn

Explore viewpoints within a topic

It is really easy to find people that agree with you...

But really difficult to find viewpoints that are opposed to our own. This can be for a couple reasons:

  1. Confirmation bias - this is when we test out a hypothesis in a one-sided way (as in searching: 'was 9/11 a hoax?')
  2. Selective exposure - this is when we show a tendency to pay attention to information that supports our current beliefs

Even when we try really hard to avoid these tendencies, we still don't know how to search for opposing viewpoints because we don't know about those viewpoints and how people talk about them.

Think beyond pro/con on an issue - there are many reasons someone might oppose something or support it.

Explore topics in encyclopedias

Example Topic Exploration Process

Later this semester, you will need to write a medium length paper for which you will need to create a bibliography. This guide is here when you need to start that process.

Example topic - this is an idea that I'm exploring; it is not a thesis statement.

  • The use of AI and apps in physical education classes
    • Some people think using technology in gym class motivates and engages students
      • Some people think gym teachers face challenges incorporating technology into the curriculum effectively
    • Some people think that recess or PE in school is important to social development
      • Some people think technology in gym class hinders this social development
    • What do I think? (I don't know until I read all the evidence)

What next steps would I take?

  • I like to read a variety of encyclopedia articles - each of these wikipedia articles was very brief - I want deeper discussion and more sources to explore - I would search Gale EBooks or Sage and then try searches in article databases
  • As I read about various viewpoints, I want to record keywords that get at the heart of disagreements. What words do folks use on either side on an argument? 

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