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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

CE 301 - Civil Engineering Systems

Library sources to help in finding information on engineering building projects and on other civil engineering research topics.

If You Have a Question

Library Assistance is Available

When you have a question about using the libraries or finding information, we hope that you will ask.

Each department has a librarian subject liaison and library staff across campus are available to help with using library materials.  The librarians prepare subject guides to help with finding information in that area.  Also, there are guides on special topics, including using the New York Times Online and Citation Managers for Research Organization.

These staff members are glad to try to help.  They can --- for example --- give specific recommendations on databases, talk about search terms, help with finding sources, and explain about library services.  You are welcome to send an e-mail, call, schedule an appointment, or stop by.

Library Chat help is available many hours during the week and can be a good way to get a question answered without delay.

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Profile Photo
Larayne Dallas
My desk is in the Engineering Library, EER 1.706.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.