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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries


Find Books

Find Books


As Design students, your research will likely require books on a range of subjects. The library catalog searches across collections at all of the different library locations.  The UT Libraries have print and electronic books for your use. You can search in the library catalog for both types of books. 

Ways to search: 


Subject – Searching by subject allows you to retrieve all of the items in the catalog that contain a certain subject heading 

  • Design

  • Graphic Arts

Author – Search by author's name (last name, first name) to see all of the works we have published by a specific individual 


Title – If you already know the name of a book, this is a quick way to check if the library has a copy. 


Keyword – If you have a topic or research interest in mind, you can search for the main terms or keywords to see the scope of what is in our collection.  

  • Design

  • Design Thinking

  • Social Design 

  • Graphic Design

Catalog Features to Know About:


Pick It Up – Allows you to request items be sent to the library that is most convenient for you. 


Get a Scan – Allows you to request an electronic scan of a book chapter or article. 

Need more assistance on searching for books? Check out these guides:

Are we missing a specific title you need? You can request items to use from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan.


Use the call number ranges to help navigate the 5th floor stacks at the Fine Arts Library! Browsing is a great way to discover new ideas and learn about new artists & designers. 

Art-General (N)

Architecture (NA)

Sculpture (NB)

Drawing (NC)

Commercial Art (NC 997)

Painting (ND)

Prints, Graphic Arts (NE)     

Decorative Arts (NK)

Design History (NK 1100 - NK 1400)

Furniture (NK 1900 - NK 2750)

Art Theory (NX)

Photography (TR)

Industrial Design (TS)

Printing (Z 116 - Z 265)

Typography/Typesetting (Z 250 - Z251)

Here are some select titles from our collection.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.