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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Indigenous Language and Cultural Materials

Books in the Library

Books in the Library

There are two primary ways to search for Indigenous language materials in the UT Libraries catalog.

1. Start at the main search box on the Libraries homepage - enter your keywords and click search, and you will get results from all Libraries resources. On the results page, scroll down to language. This will be on the left side of the screen.

The list of languages will include some of the most widely spoken languages. To find more Indigenous language materials, you will need to check the boxes of languages such as “German” and “English” and omit them in your search, then you will have access to more Indigenous language options. Click “apply filters.”

2. You can search using Indigenous language keywords. Searching for “Quechua” or “Nahuatl” often works well, but remember that Indigenous language books often use words or phrases in Indigenous languages in the title or chapter titles. This can be difficult if you do not speak the language and you may not get all the available materials if the name of the language is not included in the metadata.


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