Market Research Guide Overview |
APA Style Resources | APA style resources and how to cite generative AI. | |||
Consumer Behavior |
Mintel: Reports discuss market drivers, market size & trends, market segmentation, supply structure, advertising and promotion, retail distribution, consumer characteristics, and market forecasts. |
Geographic Consumer Data | SimplyAnalytics: An Internet-based mapping application that enables users to develop interactive thematic maps and reports using thousands of demographic, business, and marketing data variables. | |||
Data Axle: Contains basic directory information for more than 210 million U.S. residents and 14 million businesses in all zip code areas of the United States Uniworld Online: Consists of two directories, American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries and Foreign Firms Operating in the United States. |
Market Sizing | Overview of market sizing includes LinkedIn Learning course. |
24 Steps to Success! Disciplined Entrepreneurship will change the way you think about starting a company. This book will show you how to create a successful startup through developing an innovative product.
The essential companion to the book that revolutionized entrepreneurship Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook provides a practical manual for working the 24-step framework presented in Disciplined Entrepreneurship.
This is the first book on creating and running a social enterprise to combine theoretical discussions with current cases from around the world, filling a huge gap in the literature.
Financing the Entrepreneurial Venture focuses on financial management within entrepreneurial firms. Most of these are young firms, although some are more established. The book examines these firms at all phases of their life cycle, from the initial idea generation to the ultimate harvesting of the venture. The book covers firms in a diverse set of industries including high technology, low technology, and services.
It is well known that high-tech startups need to innovate to survive, yet the failure rate for innovation is shockingly high. Nearly three out of four new products or services, i.e., their startups, miss their revenue and profit goals-or fail entirely. It's a misconception that high-tech startups fail only because of the failing products or finances. The failures could also be because of erroneous choice of technology platforms, development teams or methodology, or even the project execution.
A fresh look at the boom in entrepreneurship and start-ups - and how it's changing the world of work.
Learn how to scale your business or organization and overcome the challenges in moving innovation to scale. The Scaling Value Playbook provides an overview of the challenges in moving innovation to scale, offering practical guidance on managing this process.
Masterclass in Entrepreneurial Development We all want to be in charge of our own lives, but what happens when the game of business keeps changing? How can you successfully find new clients, beat the competition, and do it on a shoestring budget? Lisa J. MacDonald has coached 1000s of business owners for over 25 years, has a PhD in the school of hard knocks, and is the mother of eight. In The Most Common Entrepreneurial Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, she uncovers proven cutting-edge business principles to quickly shift entrepreneurs from overwhelm and confusion to confidently fulling their vision sustainably.
Starting a Business? What You Need to Think About, Know, and Do Planning a business needs to start somewhere. This playbook is it. The objective of this manageable and plainspoken playbook (and workbook) is to sometimes gently, and sometimes less so, prod you toward making an informed decision about your proposed entrepreneurial undertaking or, conversely, help you realize and understand why you need to let go, walk away, and look elsewhere for opportunities.
The book discusses how to keep your startup running and stop it from falling into the pitfalls. Starting up a business is one of the most interesting journeys you can take up in your life; it's your 'only shot' and a 'big risk'. It can be stressful, chaotic and filled with many sleepless nights, but the payout is always worth it if you do your job right. In this book, we lead you through every single step in building a start-up. The book discusses how to keep your startup running and stop it from falling into the pitfalls. We cover everything you need - from choosing your name and logo to operational methods to decision making to timing your launch. Rеаdу tо ride the rосkеt ѕhір that іѕ being аn entrepreneur? Strар yourself in!
Tech entrepreneurs, make your startup dreams come true by utilizing this invaluable, founder-to-founder guide to successfully navigating all phases of the tech startup journey. With the advent of the internet, mobile computing, and now AI/Machine learning and cloud computing, the number of new startups has accelerated over the last decade across tech centers in Silicon Valley, Israel, India, and China.
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