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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering


Special Notice

Please note: The Engineering Library will be closed starting on May 7, 2024 (Tuesday) and re-opening on August 12, 2024 (Monday).  Access to print materials will require a special request.  Assistance will be available as usual except for no in-person assistance.


We created this guide to help you get started with petroleum and geosystems engineering library research.

Related Guides

Other recommended Guides:

Ask a Librarian

Library Chat is available many hours a week.  When you have a question about using the Libraries, how to find an item, how to understand a record, or where to look, please ask.


Profile Photo
Larayne Dallas
Over the summer of 2024, I will be available by phone, through e-mail, and using Zoom.
But, since I won't be at my phone, if you want to talk by phone, please e-mail me and I will call you back.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.