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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Research Data Services

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Federal Updates 2025

The Research Data Services team is monitoring the evolving situation around federal agencies in light of potential impacts to UT researchers. We are maintaining a document intended primarily to track developments across agencies that was designed for UT Libraries staff but that all UT community members can access; it is not intended to provide guidance or to be an authoritative list of all potentially relevant actions. Major status updates are being posted by the UT OVPR. For information on availability and preservation of federal datasets, please see the associated tab on the left.

Welcome to the UTL Research Data Services Guide

Diagram showing UTL Research Data Services support through all phases of the research life cycle

The UT Libraries' Research Data Services unit is committed to the advancement and support of good practice in the management and stewardship of research data across all disciplines. Our aim is to connect researchers with the appropriate tools, resources, and expertise required for dealing with data at every phase of research, from the earliest planning stages through to archiving and publication. We work work with campus partners including the Texas Advanced Computing Center, Information Technology Services, Open Source Program Office (OSPO), and the Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors to help researchers find the resources they need to carry out their work and provide them with opportunities to learn about the latest research data management tools and techniques.

If you would like to be receive occasional announcements about workshops, special events, and services offered by the UT Libraries Research Data Services team please visit the following page to subscribe to the UT Libraries Research Data Services email list.

We are available to meet with members of the UT Austin community to discuss a variety of data management issues.

Michael Shensky, Head of Research Data Services | Office: 512-495-4263

Alex Marden, GIS and Geospatial Data Coordinator | Office: 512-495-4150

Bryan Gee, Open Research Coordinator for Data and Software | Office:512-495-4100

Research Data Services & Resources

Data Reference and Consultations
If you have research data questions you can email the UTL Research Data Services team for assistance by referencing the contact information on the right side of this page or click the "Schedule Appointment" button to select a time to meet with a member of the RDS team to discuss your project in detail.
Workshops and Lectures
The UTL Research Data Services team regularly offers workshops on popular research data management topics and technologies. If you would like a customized workshop for your research team, lab, center, or department or are interested in a research data management focused guest lecture for your class, please contact us.
You can find helpful research data guides that have been custom developed for the UT campus community by browsing the guide list on the left side of this page where you will find them organized by phases of the research lifecycle
Data Management Plans (DMPs) / Data Management & Sharing Plans (DMSPs)
Data management plans are created during the early stages of a research project and describe how your research data will be collected, managed, stored, preserved, and shared. Many funding agencies now require DMPs be submitted with grant application materials and, even if you are not technically required to create one, it can be helpful to draft a plan at the outset of your project to ensure your work goes smoothly. The RDS team can help you with any DMP questions you might have, including any questions about use of the DMP Tool which facilitates the process of drafting a DMP for specific funding agencies.
Data Preservation and Dissemination
The UT Libraries RDS team is the campus point of contact for the Texas Data Repository (TDR), a multi-institutional research data repository managed by the Texas Digital Library which provides a long term data storage and data dissemination solution. Depositing data in theTexas Data Repository can help researchers comply with funding agency data preservation and data sharing requirements. Visit the repository to also find data that others have already published which you can use in your own research.

Head of Research Data Services

Profile Photo
Michael Shensky

GIS & Geospatial Data Coordinator

Profile Photo
Alex Marden

Open Research Coordinator for Data & Software

Profile Photo
Bryan Gee

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