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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Research Data Services

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Texas Data Repository


The Texas Data Repository (TDR) is hosted by the Texas Digital Library, and based on Harvard University’s Dataverse platform, TDR is a long-term solution for the preservation and dissemination of UT’s research data. TDL is committed to preserving and ensuring access to published datasets for a minimum of ten years. Faculty, staff, and students at UT Austin can publish their data in TDR free of charge. Published datasets in the TDR are assigned Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), are publicly accessible, and are free to access and download. The search interface and browsing functionality of TDR facilitates access to data and helps researchers by making it easy for others to find and cite their work.

For a full and detailed description of TDR policies please visit

For help automating the process of managing your data in the Texas Data Repository and sharing it in accordance with research data publication best practices, consider using the tx_data_repo_tools developed by UTL European Studies Librarian Ian Goodale. These Python scripts can be downloaded at

For personalized assistance utilizing the Texas Data Repository and preparing your data for publication please reach email or schedule an appointment with Michael Shensky, UT Libraries Head of Research Data Services, using buttons in the right column of this page.

Data Deposit Best Practices Checklist

Before you move forward with depositing your research data in the Texas Data Repository it is a good idea to consult the checklist below to ensure that it is suitable for the Repository, that it will be well described, and easy for other researchers to access and cite.
The files you want to deposit are research data
The data is in an open format
The data does not contain any personally identifiable information
You have selected/created a dataverse in TDR to hold your new dataset
The TDR dataset created to hold the data has detailed and descriptive metadata
All individual data files you want to deposit are under 4GB in size
You have the rights to openly publish the data and have discussed sharing the data with all co-authors

TDR Questions?

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Michael Shensky

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.