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PCL Technology Help


Printing in PCL

In PCL, you can print from any computer except for the Catalog Station in the lobby and the print release stations connected to the printer. Learn how to print and pay for printing.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

I sent my print job but it isn't showing up on the print release station. 

You may have used a computer that someone else was still logged in on. You will need to log in using your own EID and resend your print job. 

The printer jammed but I already paid for my print job. What do I do?

Contact a staff member (see information on this guide)

How do I print to ledger size?

See Ledger Printing instructions.

How do I print multiple PowerPoint slides on one page?

See instructions for printing multiple slides per page.

Video: How to Print

How do I print? (video has no sound)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.