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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Summer Entrepreneurship Academy - McCombs School of Business

Financial Analyst Reports

Financial Analyst Reports - Public & Private Companies


​Investext contains active and historical research reports from brokerages, investment banks and independent research firms around the globe including Barclays, Credit Suisse, Cowen & Company, J.P. Morgan, and Deutsche Bank.

Follow instructions below to find analyst reports for public and private companies and for subsidiaries as well. Select NO DATE RANGE for best results.


Public Companies

                                                                         Private Companies

1. Select + sign next to Company Name/Ticker in Search Criteria box

2. Select Name or Ticker  from drop-down menu

3. Type Company or Ticker Symbol in search box

4. Select + sign next to Category in Search Criteria box

5. Type "Equity", then select

6. Click on Submit to see number of matches and then View to go to the search results page

1. Select + sign next to Keywords in Search Criteria box

2. Select Search Headline or Search Whole Report from drop-down menu

3. Type Company Name

4. Select + sign next to Category in Search Criteria box

5. Type "Equity", then select

6. Click on Submit to see number of matches and then View to go to the search results page

Company Financial Analysis - Public Companies Only

Morningstar Investing Center Search using company name or ticker symbol.


Provides online access to Value Line's leading publications covering stocks, mutual funds, options and convertible securities as well as special situation stocks. Each company record has an "Industry Analysis" report.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.