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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Scoping Reviews

Organizing & Exporting Results

Exporting From EBSCO Databases

Exporting All Results: After running your systematic search in EBSCO databases, take the time to download your complete search results. This allows you to keep a simple file of your results for future reference, and this file can easily be imported into EndNote, Zotero or other citation managers. 

Start by clicking the "Share" button and choosing the "Email a link to download exported results" link. One the next page, fill out the form and choose RIS format so they can easily be viewed in a citation manager or be imported into other screening tools (Covidence, Rayyan, etc.). You'll receive an email (usually within 10 minutes) with a link that will trigger a download. Download when you get the message, as the links expire within a few days.







Exporting Items Selected for Inclusion: If you have kept a folder of the articles selected for inclusion in your study, items in that folder can easily be exported for use in citation managers and Excel. Just follow these steps...

Go to your folder. Click on the subfolder you'd like to export. Click on "Articles" to go to those results. Select all results. On the right, click "Export". Choose the format you'd like to export. RIS (EndNote and Zotero) and CSV (Excel) are generally the most versitile.


From Citation Managers

If you have citations saved in Zotero or EndNote, you can easily export them for use in another tool. 

Right click on the folder you're working with and choose "Export Collection". Select the file format you'd like to export (RIS and CSV are most common, but format will be determined by the tool you'll be using after export). Select OK and choose where you'd like to save the file.

Highlight the group you want to export, and then choose "File" and "Export". Name your file and choose where you'd like to save the file. Save file types as "Text Only" and choose an output style. "RefMan (RIS) Export" will be a file type that works with other citation managers and many systematic review screening tools. It will save as a .txt file, but you can swap the .txt. with .ris and the file can readily be imported into Zotero, Rayyan, etc.

Exporting to Excel from EndNote is complicated. Guidance from the company can be found here. Another option is to export your .ris fle from EndNote, import that file into Zotero, and then export a .csv file from Zotero. This process will typically create a fairly clean Excel file.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.